Training, coaching and HR consulting

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Training and consulting

Progres Consulting is a business line that supports managers and HR departments in building organizational culture and increasing employee engagement.

Scope of training services


We carry out training projects, individual coaching sessions, as well as mentoring for specialists, managers and executives.

We support our Customers in the following areas:

  • management of people
  • effective sales
  • professional customer service
  • self-management in time
  • communication
  • public speaking
  • dealing with emotions
  • introduction of employees, including those from other countries
  • designing management methodologies
  • recruitment and selection


4 steps to success

What you will gain?

  • Qualitative change
  • Knowledge and tools that you will use in work
  • Individual consultation with the trainer after the training*

*included in price

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case studies

Leading manufacturer of trailers and semi-trailers

More info

Challenge 1

  • Training for two groups of traders in terms of effective sales

Our solution:   

  • Diagnosis of needs (visit of the Trainer in the field with the selected trader, phone interviews with managers (Regional directors), survey of challenges among operational staff, meeting with the Managing Director and agreeing the final substantive content of the training)
  • Preparation of a detailed schedule of activities
  • Sending a pre-training task to participant
  • Carrying out training with the use of the product sold (practical workshop)
  • Tasks outside the training
  • Meeting with the Directors and providing tools for further work with traders (“how to enforce sales knowledge and desirable attitudes”).


The traders have gained practical knowledge and guidance that they could use in training to understand customers’ decision-making motives. They have also gained individual tasks to develop their competences. Their superiors have been involved in the development process. This activity has affected the results, which have proven to be permanent. In addition, the participants have been supported within the organization after the training. During individual consulting sessions, their superiors have received a set of tools and instructions from the Trainer.

Management and planning of the work of sales team for a group of Directors.

More info

Challenge 2

  • Management and planning of the work of sales team for a group of Directors.

Our solution:

  • Diagnosis of needs (spending one day with a Director to understand the needs in terms of team management and daily challenges, survey concerning managerial challenges for all training participants, phone interviews, determining the final substantive content of the training)
  • Preparation of a detailed schedule of activities
  • Carrying out training in the form of practical workshops
  • Tasks outside the training
  • Field coaching with each Director to strengthen the skills


Change in the attitude of Directors, focused on the formation of responsibility for the team and its results. Increase of their role in shaping sales processes in the company. The first step towards changing responsibility – from the result of sales, to the responsibility for strategic sales management. Increase in managerial tools skills, planning, delegating and enforcing tasks.

Each smart investment in employees is like a deposit with guaranteed return and good interest rate. It is a simple relation that makes you think about the quality of peoples’ work.


We show you how to find talents.

You want to hire the best employees, but you lack the appropriate candidates? Competition among employers is still growing, and you think you have nothing more to offer? We will show you how to attract talents and hire only the best employees.

  • Analysis of the employer’s image
  • Development of PR strategy
  • Development of PR strategy associated with the selected recruitment
  • Onboarding – professional deployment of employees
  • Assesment centre/development centre
  • Analysis of knowledge, skills and attitudes during the interview
  • Candidate experience, or the image of the company in the eyes of candidates
  • Exit interview – good practices during layoffs
  • Sources of reaching candidates – creating ads, direct and executive search
  • New media as a recruitment tool


We design comprehensive tools.

HR department is more than recruitment. Thanks to structured systems and regular analysis, it becomes an important partner to the Board in making strategic decisions. It prepares your organization to changes, brings skilled workers and takes care of the company’s image. However, in order to do that, it needs modern and effective tools and people who know how to use them.

Progres Consulting provides tools and knowledge in the following areas:
  • Research and analysis of the employer’s image
  • Recommending Employer Branding strategy
  • Building competency models
  • System of employee evaluation
  • Job evaluation
  • Construction of pay spines
  • Creating job descriptions
  • Creating development paths and succession plans
  • Surveying employees’ satisfaction and engagement
  • Surveying wages and benefits

5 steps to success


  • Committed and motivated employees.
  • Access to training carried out by professionals.
  • Support by our advisors at every step of cooperation.
  • A modern and effective HR department.



case studies

Companies from the production industry



  • Examination of commitment and satisfaction in order to verify the moods and reception of changes made by the Management.

Our solution:

  • Diagnosis of needs (phone surveys with the Board in order to determine the scope of information it wants to get from the staff)
  • Preparation of a survey and a communication plan for employees
  • Carrying out field research
  • Presenting conclusions and recommendations at a meeting


Determination of priority areas and specific issues that require remedy actions, along with recommendations associated with further activities. Identification of employee satisfaction and conditions of commitment. Providing expertise and information to determine priorities in internal communication with employees, improvement of the management system.

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